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Focus on delivering a feel that resonates with your audience!

HMCA COMPREHENSIVE CURRICULUM: 1. Fundamentals of Bass Playing - TECHNIQUE a.) Proper hand position and posture b.) Fingerstyle technique c.) Slap & Pop, Pick techniques - SCALES & ARPEGGIOS a.) Major, Minor, Pentatonic, & Blues scales b.) Arpeggios - major, minor, and dominant chords 2. Music Theory for Bassists - UNDERSTANDING HARMONY a.) Intervals and chord construction b.) Basic chord progressions - READING MUSIC a.) Standard notation and tablature b.) Sight-reading exercises - EAR TRAINING a.) Interval recognition with The Number System b.) Chord quality and progression identification 3. Styles and Genres **EXPLORATION OF DIFFERENT GENRES** a.) Rock b.) jazz c.) funk d.) blues e.) country & pop - TRANSCRIBING & ANALYZING BASS LINES a.) Study iconic bass lines from various genres b.) Learn to play by ear 4. Improvisation and Creativity - IMPROVISATIONAL TECHNIQUES a.) Using scales and modes in improvisation b.) Developing a personal style & feel (Critical) - COMPOSITION a.) Charting bass lines b.) Collaborating with other musicians 5. Performance Skills - STAGE PRESENCE & PERFORMANCE TECHNIQUES a.) Engaging with the audience b.) Working with a band - RECORDING TECHNIQUES a.) Basics of studio recording 6. Technical Skills - GEAR KNOWLEDGE a.) Understanding different bass types b.) Familiarity with amplifiers, effects, and recording equipment 7. Performance Opportunities - SHOWCASES a.) Regular Band Performance Nights b.) Local Performances *Available With The Experience Plan* CONCLUSION: This adaptable curriculum meets each student's needs. Your assessments and feedback will allow us to monitor progress and identify improvement areas. By integrating technical skills, creativity, and professional references, students will be ready for successful careers.

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